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The Event: AKA We're trying to be as vague as possible.

What is the "Event" I'm three episodes in, and I'm damned if I know. The Event is a new show, trying to capitalize on all those viewers of Lost that don't have a weekly conspiracy to gnaw at anymore.
It's got no fewer than two conspiracies, aliens, passenger jets being yanked out of the sky, DB Sweeney, gun fights, explosions, and flashbacks, oh god does it have flashbacks. The first is the worst, as the old rhyme goes with the show constantly jumping back and forth between at least three different time periods to try and tell you a story, just in the most confusing way possible.
This is what I've kind of gathered. A group of Aliens, seemingly, they look human, although their DNA is 99% similar, which is further apart from us than chimps. Still DNA is DNA, and the fact that they have DNA even that similar makes me think that they are likely terrestrial, but this is Hollywood science, so what do I know? Back to the point, they look human, but they age much slower, and back in the 60s, they crashed a bunch of them were injured, with the US government coming to investigate the crash, they decide to send all of the able bodied among them to hoof it and disappear, whereas the injured are picked up by some government agency or another, and put in a prison in Alaska.
Sixty years later, the current president becomes aware of their existence, and decides to set them free, since they've done nothing wrong, and they've been model inmates for the past all this time. The president is strongly advised against this course of action by the member of his staff who has been keeping them a secret for years. While this is happening, a random, unlikeable guy is going on a cruise with his fiance, they meet up with another couple, who befriend them, and eventually kidnap the girl, while erasing all record of the presence.
Turns out the girl's father is a commercial airliner pilot, who the group responsible for the kidnapping blackmail into flying a plane right at the President. Of course this doesn't happen, the annoying kid gets on the plane, and tries to talk him out of it, but in the end, the plane just gets teleported from Miami to Arizona right before impact. The plane lands, the aliens show up, and kill all of the passengers.
After seeing the plane disappear, rather than being grateful, the prez deciedes that the aliens have been holding back on him, having lied about their being more of them out there, and thus rescinds his offer of freedom until they come clean.
There's some tension, and aliens talking amongst themselves about some mysterious "Event" coming up.
Bottom line, I don't really know how to describe this show. It seems determined to be as baffling as possible, through the stupid use of showing you the scenes all out of order. At least twice in each episode there has been a scene shift with the text "X time earlier..." at the bottom of the screen, with the first episode easily having a dozen such shifts. And none of the characters are particularly entertaining, just being kind of lifeless.
Yet, I enjoy watching it, and I'm still tuning in next week.


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