Supergiant Games makes absolutely brilliant and gorgeous games, that I just never really click with. They made Bastion, which took everyone's hearts at E3 one year, and it's a perfectly fine game, but for some reason just didn't click with me. They followed that up with Transistor, which I want to like so very badly, but it's kind of dauntingly complex really fast. I should try that again. Then they made Pyre, to which most people said "What the fuck?" It's a story heavy sports game... kind of? Supergiant is an independent studio, but they have way more polish and heart than I've come to expect from a lot of indie titles. All of their games are lavishly animated with sprites, fully and wonderfully voiceacted, and feature completely rocking soundtracks by the amazing Darren Korb (seriously, if you're not familiar, go listen to the Bastion Soundtrack). I think a big part of why I love their games, but don't actually enjoy playing them all...
*contains no actual guidance for surviving a pipebomb explosion.