Holy crap! Another toy review! On the block today, we've got third party custom transformer from a company called Perfect Effect. It has the very generic name "Shadow Warrior" although it's clearly supposed to be a homage/new version of the Generation 1 Decepticon cassette Rumble: Although the colors have been changed to match the Nemesis Prime/Shadow Commander color scheme. Instead of transforming into a cassette, it transforms into a dual Gatling gun, which can be held by a good chunk of transformers, or mounted on the shoulders of the Shadow Commander armor. In the latter use, it's intended to be used in pairs. Take a look at the pics, and I'll have more to say at the end. So, he's a surprisingly poseable little due. The sidearm in the last picture can be clipped to his leg to "holster" it, and it's used as the handle for when he's a hand wielded weapon, sadly there's no place to put it when he's shoulder mounted. The bac...
*contains no actual guidance for surviving a pipebomb explosion.