This is the followup to my Tetsujin-28 review. Black Ox is the main villain for T28. Again this is the classic design for him, and compared to Tetsujin's retro silliness, Black Ox just has a simple menace to him.

He's pretty much the exact same size as Tetsujin, and features pretty much the same range of articulation, although he doesn't bend at the toes, he does have an actual waist and neck.

The simple color scheme, with a lack of any kind of insignia just makes him slightly scary, the "I'm going to throttle you" hands bring that out even clearer.
On the undersides of his feet, he has spikes which, using a spring gimmick, retract back into his feet when his weight is placed on them, the better to stomp you with.
On the undersides of his feet, he has spikes which, using a spring gimmick, retract back into his feet when his weight is placed on them, the better to stomp you with.

He also has missile fingers!

There are two different heads that can be used with Black Ox, one which has the neck articulation, and a second which has battery operated lights in it.

Personally, I'll take the evil glowing eyes every time.

Like Tetsujin, Black Ox is controlled via remote, and comes with a non scale accessory of the remote.
There's an alternate switch setting that leaves Ox's eyes off until a magnet in the remote is placed on his hunch, causing the eyes to light up again.
There's an alternate switch setting that leaves Ox's eyes off until a magnet in the remote is placed on his hunch, causing the eyes to light up again.

We also have a little scale figurine of Professor Shutain Franken, holding the controller to stand opposite of the Shortarou that came with Tetsujin (FYI, if I can't have a crazy hair and beard combo like this guy when I'm old, I want to die early)

And of course everything has a home on the stand.

The true joy comes from owning the two nemesis robots

There's even a couple of gimmicks to having both figures. Although one of them won't work on my set, namely, when Black Ox's right fist is placed to Tetsujin's stomach, you should get the red lit eye effect, but I just can't seem to make it work.

Clearly I'm using the correct fist, since the controllers both stick to it. the effect works fine when using the controller to activate it, just not the fist. I took him apart at one point, and still couldn't find anything wrong with the mechanism.

Also, both robots use the same magnetically attached forearms, and while Tetsujin's arms won't fit on Black Ox, you can use an Ox arm on Tetsujin. I don't know if this ever occured in the managa or anime, but I can't see why else they would have used the gimmick on Black OX.

So, there you have it, another SOC. There's not a lot going on in these boxes, but I do love the designs of these two figures
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