But I kept going back, eventually I just turned it down to easy, and decided to enjoy it and beat the damn thing. Having the options of setting enemies on fire, electrocuting them, freezing them, sending swarms of angry insects at them, etc. was extremely gratifying, but the world is very sparse and lonely, sure there are plenty of people running around to kill, but there's so very little else that it still manages to feel empty.
I'm sure that's kind of the point, but even Dead Space, which setting wise, was a more empty setting, managed to feel more full. So, the last bits of the game are definitely a slog, but once I got the ending, I found a surprisingly rewarding end scene, I don't want to reveal much, because of spoilers, but I got the "good" ending, and it was actually touching.
I don't feel like there's much I can add to this game that hasn't already been said, other than it's definitely not for everyone.
I got #2 when you are ready. Though I haven't even really played it yet.