Who's still here after that sentence? Okay, what this movie is actually about, is a young science fiction writer, who is the spitting image of the high school nerd with extreme social dysfunction, if nothing else, this movie gets the feeling of being that outcast down better than anything else I have ever seen.
So, our hero, Benjamin Purvis wants nothing more than to be great scifi writer, just like his idol, Chevalier. He attends a writer's workshop headlined by Chevalier, and submits one of his stories, Yeast Lords, into the writing contest. Chevalier is pretentious and sleazy to a tee, he's lost touch with what made him write in the first place, now just being about the money, and it's revealed throughout the movie that he hasn't written a story that the publishers are willing to print for some time... ouch! After stumbling across Yeast Lords at the workshop, he decides to change the names, and add in a few scenes and sell it to his publisher.
Another pillar of the story involves Purvis meeting a girl on the bus to the workshop, who convinces him to sell the movie rights of Yeast Lords to her and a friend, who produces amateur films. Ultimately bastardizing the story to suit their own needs.
All throughout these goings on, we get to see excerpts from the Yeast Lords universe, where the main character, Bronco, is played by the always impressive Sam Rockwell. At first you see the story as Purvis envisions it, then Chevalier's version, all interspersed with the scenes from the movie. The world of Yeast Lords is extremely bizarre, and it's really just a backdrop for the real story of Purvis's personal growth, but I have to admit, I cheered during the final Yeast Lords scene, which was a face off between Bronco, and his nemesis Daysius.
I don't really know how to summarize this movie, I'm sure it's not going to be for everyone, the humor is very odd, with kind of a Napoleon Dynamite feel to it I guess, with the ensemble cast of too real for reality characters, such as Purvis's mother, who aspires to be a dress designer, with hideous designs, and Dusty, a "guardian angel" (think religious big brother's of America) Purvis's mother connects him with. If you've ever dreamed of being a writer, or been too nerdy for the nerds, then this movie is definitely for you.
Also, just because the movie poster really doesn't do the concept justice:

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