If you're still somehow following this blog after three years of inactivity, two things: 1. Surprise! 2. I'm very curious to know who you are, so leave a comment, or reach out to me in other ways. I'm planning to do some more writing here. Basically, I have thoughts that are too long-winded to put on Facebook, or bug people by sending them in emails. First up! Strong Female Protagonist is the most interesting treatment of the differences between "saving the world" in the traditional comic book sense, versus combating problems of social injustice that us bland, real world people have to deal with. In this universe, a freak storm occurs giving a bunch of teenagers superpowers. I like to think that this is in the same universe as the phenomenal TV series, Misfits . Just like any other story, things quickly turn into super-villains trying to destroy/take over the world, and superheroes fighting to stop them. In this world, our Justice League/Avengers stand...
*contains no actual guidance for surviving a pipebomb explosion.