So, long before there was an utlimately forgettable pair of AVP movies, there was a comic published by Darkhorse comics, who held the license for the Aliens and Predator comic properties. The concept took off like wild fire, two of the biggest alien baddies from 80s cinema meeting on a battlefield with humanity in the crossfire. I have no idea how many crossover comics there have been at this point, but I'm pretty sure they come out with a new one every few years. The premise is that the Predators have a surprisingly ritualistic hunter culture, and one of their traditional prey is the Aliens. Rebellion first made an AVP first person shooter for the PC back in the 90s, I'm fairly certain it wasn't the first AVP game, but it was the first that let you play as any of the three races in the universe, and this game is Rebellion coming back and doing their thing for a second round. With some success. I only tried out playing the human and Predator campaigns before I'd deci...
*contains no actual guidance for surviving a pipebomb explosion.